FORAGING FOCUS! <BR>MyColores: Sierra Norte in the northern mountains of Oaxaca, MX <BR> August 28-September 5, 2024 <BR>Hosted by The Fungivore
FORAGING FOCUS! <BR>MyColores: Sierra Norte in the northern mountains of Oaxaca, MX <BR> August 28-September 5, 2024 <BR>Hosted by The Fungivore
FORAGING FOCUS! <BR>MyColores: Sierra Norte in the northern mountains of Oaxaca, MX <BR> August 28-September 5, 2024 <BR>Hosted by The Fungivore
FORAGING FOCUS! <BR>MyColores: Sierra Norte in the northern mountains of Oaxaca, MX <BR> August 28-September 5, 2024 <BR>Hosted by The Fungivore
FORAGING FOCUS! <BR>MyColores: Sierra Norte in the northern mountains of Oaxaca, MX <BR> August 28-September 5, 2024 <BR>Hosted by The Fungivore

MyColores: Sierra Norte in the northern mountains of Oaxaca, MX
August 28-September 5, 2024
Hosted by The Fungivore

Regular price $0.00 Sale

Join me, Kim, and Zach of the Fungivore for an adventure of a lifetime.

Take in Oaxaca’s rich and ancient culture, traditional food & diverse landscapes over 7 full days & 8 nights as we forage, cook, & craft with local Zapotecs in the rugged Sierra Norte mountains & explore the ancient history, traditional foods and indigenous artisanship of the region. Alissa Allen, veteran mushroom dyer and founder of Mycopigments, will be joining us from Seattle, Washington for her third year as part of our expert lineup to lead both our forays and our mushroom dyeing workshop.

Taking our tour deeper into the Sierra Norte than ever before, we will be exploring forests never before explored for dye mushrooms with a community known for their silk production and natural dyeing. With our partner and nature guide Celestino Mendez, we will have unfettered access to wild woodlands that aren’t just open to anyone, with the blessings of the communities, who will join throughout our forays, meals and activities, furthering our mission of immersion and deep exchange with our gracious Zapotec hosts.

Like all of our trips, this adventure will be book-ended in the cultural and culinary mecca of Oaxaca City, with dinners at some of the most celebrated restaurants and chefs, known for the foraged fungal feasts, with opportunities to get lost in the magic of the city for a night.

Read more and apply at